The fact of the matter is, once I became pregnant with my daughter Olivia, it was no longer about "me", it was about "her". And I've carried this mantra on for the last 16 months + 10 months (pregnancy). At times I think I'm going to die of exhaustion or mental and emotional fatigue, but then I see this beautiful being before me and realize there's a reason it's tough. It's not meant to be easy all the time.
I'm sure every first blogger starts with this, why am I blogging? I'm blogging because the experience I'm having raising my child is just blowing me away! I have thoughts and feelings and concerns and all sorts of things are just mind blowing and I don't always have someone to share them with that "get" it.
Very quickly, I have VERY strong feelings around natural child rearing and you'll see them as they appear throughout my posts, sometimes subtly and sometimes quite blatantly.
No, I'm not this total tree hugger that's vegan and doesn't wear shoes, but I am a Mom that I think I'd say was "sensitive". I am MADLY in love with my daughter. I never thought I'd be this way, so the things I'm doing are REALLY surprising me! Maybe you'll read this blog and think that I'm a Mom who's really trying to change the next generation and doing my best. Or maybe you'll think I'm totally crazy. No matter what you think, at least you're thinking and not just following the rest of the herd.
So, here I am a 33 year old, about to start an adventure, or should I say, I've already embarked on an adventure, but I thought I'd starting something new. Join me, watch how this mind works and maybe you'll have a thing or two on your mind too!
Mommy Nova